Saturday, September 19, 2009

Life is a Mountain

So it is obvious that this blog has been neglected over time. I guess it is just a reminder that beauty queens are people too. Since the Miss Washington pageant occurred, real life has happened. Less appearances and more work. With the upcoming Miss Thurston County pageant coming up and the four contestants vying for the title, I realize that reflection time is necessary. I believe in this program so much, I have given my whole heart to it this year. When given great opportunity comes great hardship. There will be people that give you praise and there will be some that will turn the other way and abandon you. Through this year I have learned the value of believing in yourself. I have lived life to the fullest, sought every opportunity, followed my heart and trusted in God. Having those values makes awards, trophies and crowns minimal. You have to be stepped on a million times before you get to the top of your mountain. I am not at the top of my mountain. My mountain is a journey and my journey is life. I will continue to live life knowing that my experiences as Miss Thurston County 2008 will guide me through a mountain of success.

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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Miss Washington week

Now that it is the day before Miss Washington finals I finally have time to write about my Miss Washington week experience. I arrived at the Holiday Inn in Renton at 8:30 with my director Wendi. I had so much stuff, garment bags, duffels, suitcases, baskets. After all the preparing the week before, I still ended up forgetting something. I left one bag hanging in the closet. Wendi, bless her heart, jumped right back in to her car and drove all the way to Tumwater to retrieve my forgotten bag in time for me to have my outfit for arrival at 10:30am. What an amazing person! This is a perfect example of the dedication, love and support I have received from Wendi throughout this year. Thank you Wendi! The arrival ceremony with all the contestants was held at the Renton City Hall. As we walked down the steps of city hall our names and titles were announced “Contestant #1, Sharise Williams, Miss Thurston County!”
Our days have been filled with long rehearsals to prepare for the production number. Our dances are so fun and we learned them so quickly. We are opening to “What you want” from Legally Blonde: The musical and our second half opener is to “Jai Ho” from Slumdog Millionaire, and yes the theme this year is Broadway!
On Monday all of us contestants went out for an appearance. To honor the Miss America Organization’s partnership with the Children’s Miracle Network we all visited the Seattle Children’s Hospital, a Children’s Miracle Network hospital. We went and played with Kids in the playroom and I went on a small tour with 3 other title-holders as we visited medical and surgical rooms to visit with the patients. This was a very good experience for me being able to visit with patients. With my platform I specialize in sensitivity for people with diseases and though they are in the hospital you don’t have to talk about why they are there. Sometimes they just want to talk about something else to get their mind off of the surgery they just came out of. So I am glad that the Miss Washington contestants could be there to brighten their day.
Tuesday we made an appearance at the Farmers Market in Renton. We ate dinner, danced, signed autograph cards and had a good relaxing time. Then we all went to the movies together, which was also very nice and relaxing considering all of the hard work we have put into our production numbers. We watched “The Proposal”. It was such a good movie and it made me feel good and happy the night before my interview.
On Wednesday was my Interview with the Miss Washington official judges. Since I am contestant #1 that means I was the very first interview out of all 18 contestants. I enjoyed my ten minute interview with the judges. I left that room smiling and that is what matters to me.
Later after interviews half of the contestants went on a field trip to the Federal Reserve. As special guests to the Federal Reserve Bank we got a special tour to where all the money is stored.
Last night was the first preliminary competition. The Beta group competed in talent and on-stage question and the Alpha group (my group) competed in lifestyle in fitness and swimsuit and in evening wear. The Miss Washington’s outstanding Teen contestants competed in their groups in their competition as well. What a fun night this was. We performed our opening dances for the first time in front of people. We looked so good and it was so much fun!
I just got back to my room here at the Holliday Inn in Renton after the second night of preliminary competition the night before finals. I competed in talent and on-stage question tonight. I can say that I am truly happy with my performance and hope that I made Thurston County proud.
I am so thankful for all of the positive support that I have received this week. Even in the midst of competition I find myself at peace. My roommate Cara Rudd, Miss Tahoma is a doll, a true friend. She has made this week fun and relaxing for me in our home/room at the Holiday Inn. Wendi and Kamarie have done a spectacular job in being there for me. Driving from Thurston to help me with small things, and even the wonderful gifts I received in my basket every day. Thanks to my mom for traveling all the way from Las Vegas to support me this weekend.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Friendship, Fun and Fashion

In the days upcoming to my arrival to the Miss Washington competition, I am finally sitting down to update very my dated Miss Thurston County blog.
I had a great time at the South Sound Rotary Club auction a couple weeks ago. It was a fiesta themed auction dinner and money raised went towards support for children with cleft lip. I even got to dress up! Check out this beautiful gown that I borrowed from Proms by Weddings with Joy! Thanks again Angela for your continued support during my year of service!Image Hosting by
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On my way to the auction I needed to change into my dress to I stopped by Macy’s in the Capital Mall. I changed in the dressing rooms and I even got a make-up touch up by the lovely ladies at the Lancome counter. Thank you.
The next weekend was the Lacey Rotary Duck Dash. I had a quackin’ time hanging out with kids, giving out balloons, painting faces and singing.
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Then came the Miss Thurston County Fashion Show : Send-off to miss Washington. This was an opportunity to show off my Miss Washington competition wardrobe and my talent piece. It was an amazing show featuring performances by the Miss Thurston County Little Sisters and former contestants. So many people to thank here! Thank you Wendi, for organizing this for me. Thank you Thomas for playing guitar so we can perform our original song. Thanks Brooklynne, Amberly and Katie for modeling dresses and Find The Cure. Thank you Kara-Ann for hosting, thank you Wes for being photographer, thanks Kamarie for attempting playing the music , thank you Teressa for volunteering, thanks Alicia for helping me back stage. Thank you thank you thank you!! Everyone!
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The next day I had a car wash at the Yelm Jiffy Lube to raise money for the scholarship program. Unfortunately this day ended with $60, a French fry assault, a very rude melted milkshake and the pageant wavers. What a story this day was. I am so glad I had my best friends Samantha and Brittanie there with me to endure the hardship, as well as Teressa and her son and my lovely little sister who is always there for me. Ask me about this day and I will tell you! Haha
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I had a radio interview with Kevin Huffer at KGY AM 1240. Kevin actually co-hosted the Miss Thurston County pageant the night I won the title. I always enjoy Kevin’s company and it was a wonderful interview. I even had my friend Samantha with me as my travel companion.
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That weekend was the Lacey Mid-Day Lions Club Car Show. I was invited by my good friend Brooklynne Adams who was a contestant with me at Miss Thurston. We both had the opportunity to sing on the cute little stage. Then I spent the rest of the afternoon in the Health Screening booth. That was so great! I tested people for Diabetes, Glaucoma, high blood pressure, hearing and vision. What a powerful experience to relate to my platform and work with people. I felt like a real doctor! At the end of the day I got to be the trophy girl for awards and wave at the cars as they drove away.
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The next weekend was Prairie Days in my hometown of Yelm. I had dinner with the Chamber of Commerce Teen Ambassadors and then I rode in a Corvette in the parade. Following the parade is a fun fair at the Yelm Prairie Park. I go to Prairie Days every year, but it was a whole new experience going as Miss Thurston County.
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Oh Mushroom Fest! I went to the Hawks Prairie Rotary 1st annual Mushroom Festival for two days. I spent the afternoon selling mushrooms to people. How funny! I posted on my MySpace page that I was “selling mushrooms” and all my friends freaked out and were worried. Later I did finally understand the relation and that it sounded like I was selling drugs. No people! I was selling Crimini and Shiitake, not hallucinogens! Thanks Hawks Prairie Rotary for showing me a grand time at the Schroom Fest!
I also sang the national anthem at the Hershey Youth Track and Field State meet. I also handed out awards to the top finishers. Thank you Jeanette Sieler and Lacey Parks and Rec, for having me. Thanks so much Kamarie for being my travel companion and keeping me company as well!
My oh my what a month! Miss Washington is a week away and I am focused and excited. Wish me luck in becoming the next Miss Washington!

Monday, May 11, 2009

JDRF Diabetes Walk

The JDRF diabetes walk was one of the best days I have had in a long time. What could be better than a fun day with my friends walking around downtown Tacoma for a cure for diabetes? The Juvenile Diabetes Research foundation is an organization that researches and aids patients and families of children with type 1 diabetes. I got involved with JDRF through Find the Cure Clothing. Find the Cure is a t-shirt clothing line that has found an alternative way to raise awareness of diabetes. $2 of every shirt sale goes towards JDRF. I love Find the Cure and I have been supporting them all year. I do whatever I can to represent it whether it’s wearing the shirts, handing out stickers or telling all my friends about it. At the diabetes walk I had all of my team members wearing a different shirt from Find the Cure. We were looking so good in our Find the Cure shirts!
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The diabetes walk was held at the UW Tacoma campus in Pierce County which is the neighboring county to Thurston. My team raised $200 through donations. As a special guest I was given the opportunity to Help cut the ribbon, judge the team t-shirt contest and give a speech.
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Through or the walk I had so much fun hanging out with my team. We had a juggler, a puppy, my little sister to name a few. Thank you to everyone who was on my team. It means a lot to me when I have friends who support such a great cause with me.
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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Spring Forum

Miss Washington Spring Forum is a big weekend for Miss Washington contestants, directors and contestant’s families. I spend this last weekend at the Renton Holiday Inn with the other contestants, preparing for the upcoming Miss Washington competition this July. Everything was due on the first day including, contracts, resume’s, platform essays, talent music and pictures for the program book. Aside from all of that stress there were also fun activities and inspirational/education workshops to attend. We were entertained by Rick Brinkley who talked to us from the perspective of a pageant judge, which was really helpful and funny at times. We had workshops with our current Miss Washington Janet Harding as well as former Miss Washingtons, Briann Parriot, Kristin Eddings and Allison Porter who helped us with our platforms, nutrition, fashion and walking. It’s nice to be able to learn from former Miss Washingtons and hear their experiences as well as see their success. We also got to hear from Sam Haskell the Chairman of the Miss America Organization who spoke to us about his new book Promises I Made My Mother. It was especially nice to meet and chat with him as he signed a book for me. He even knelt down to take a picture with me (because I’m short). :) How nice! Haha! Image Hosting by
We spent some time with our parents and directors, had a taco dinner/ karaoke night/ dessert auction all in one. We even had a bowl-a-thon at the very end where each contestant got together bowling teams and raised money for the Children’s Miracle Network. My team was the Red Team to support my platform Diabetes Awareness. Go Red Team!!
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Thank you, Wendi Fernandez, Teressa Williams, and Amber Blevins for being travel companions this weekend and for all the fun times and support! Thanks to everyone, Peggy, Patti, Rick, Sam, Janet, Briann, Allison and many more who spoke and mentored the contestants. Thanks Dad and Alicia for being there to share this experience!
Since spring break I have been super busy. Obviously too busy to write and update you, which makes me sad. For a quick summary up to this date I shall fill you in. I visited Timberline High School and presented to the health classes about diabetes. What a fun group of kids!
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I also spoke at the Hawks Prairie Rotary that week about my platform and upcoming community service events that I was participating in.
A couple weekends ago I had quite the weekend. I had spent the previous few weeks preparing and planning a fundraiser that would support the Children’s Miracle Network which is the national platform of the Miss America Organization. My good friend Michelle at the Blue Bottle Espresso in Yelm was so gracious to let me have an event at the coffee shop. I decided to put on a Karaoke Night to pair my passion for singing with my passion for community service. With the amazing support of the Yelm and North Thurston community I was able to secure donation items to raffle and use for my event. Music 6000 in Olympia let me borrow a professional karaoke system free of charge. Yelm Radio Shack let me borrow cords and cables to hook up the machine during my emergency crisis before the event. Puerto Vallarta, Casa Mia, Hair Inc., Grocery Outlet, Prairie Lanes, Keebler and my dad all gave me items to raffle off at the karaoke night to raise extra funds. While my guests were encouraged to sing, and did, I still was able to sing a lot of songs and do what I love, entertain. It was a night of fun and music with my community and some close friends who made the event even more successful and fulfilling. The HUGEST thank you goes out to anyone that was involved with the Miss Thurston County Karaoke Night! It means so much to me.
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The next day was a huge day for my platform. It was the Diabetes Expo in Seattle at Quest Field. It was a Diabetes fair with vendors, activities, health screening, food, information, advocacy, events and family fun for people with diabetes and their families, all for free. I was invited to give a speech during opening ceremonies about my involvement with diabetes as Miss Thurston County and I got to cut the ribbon. It was so powerful for me to be there just talking with people who have diabetes and letting them know that I care so much about this disease even though I am not suffering from it. This event was through the American Diabetes Association which is an organization that I have been working closely with in regards to my platform. Please visit for information and help about this disease. I know that everyone is affected diabetes even when they don’t know anything of it. Make yourself aware so we can have hope for a cure for ourselves and our loved ones and have healthy lives throughout.
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To wrap up that weekend I had a fundraiser at Safeway in Lacey off of Yelm hwy and College Street. They are always so generous about letting me sit outside of their store and ask for donations. In that one day I raised $90 towards the Children’s Miracle Network and Diabetes Awareness. Each dollar counts and I am steps closer to my goal of $500. Thank you, Thurston County.
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That day I also had a photo shoot for Find the Cure Clothing. Find the Cure is a diabetes awareness clothing line that raises awareness with style and passion. I am so blessed to be a spokesperson and a model for this awesome t-shirt line. I truly believe in the mission of this clothing line and the young man’s story that started the whole thing. Kelly Kiernan your amazing! Thank you for letting me be involved and keep doing what you’re doing. You should check it out. $2 from every shirt goes towards diabetes research through the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.
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The next weekend I was given the wonderful opportunity to sing the National Anthem at the opening ceremony of the Nisqually Valley Home and Garden Show in Yelm. I am always thrilled to be a part of any big event in Yelm, my hometown, where everyone is welcoming and supportive of me and I see the improvements and hard work in this community every day. I am proud.
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Saturday, March 28, 2009

On Spring Break but still in school

I am just winding down my spring break which means I have had the last week off from school. Unlike most college students on spring break, I spent most of my time in school anyways, high school that is. I visited Olympia high school last Friday, North Thurston high school on Monday, Rochester high school on Wednesday and Black Hills high school on Thursday. I was able to give a presentation about diabetes to the health and family planning classes. I also attended lunchtime and set up an informational table with Wendi, my director so we could spread the word to high school girls about the scholarship opportunity through the Miss Thurston County Scholarship Program. I can’t believe that less than 2 years ago I was in high school. I miss it. It was nice to go and visit with the students. I had a good time with them and the teachers were a pleasure to work with as well. Thank you Jennifer Bush at Olympia, Brad Quarnstrom at Rochester, and Bonnie Sinclair at Black Hills for allowing me to speak to your lovely students in class.

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On Monday after Olympia High School, Wendi and I went around the community to a few of the sponsors of the program to thank them. We visited Plato’s Closet, Infernos Pizza, Minuteman Press, and the Olympia Grocery Outlet and gave them the program book with their ad in it. Thank you for your support of the Miss Thurston County Scholarship Program. Without you and all of our other sponsors the contestants and I would not have received such great scholarships.
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At the Grocery Outlet
I also had the great opportunity to speak at the Kiwanis club of North Thurston, which was fantastic. I enjoyed the company of a group of people who really care about the people in our community. I had breakfast with them all at the Hawks Prairie Restaurant in Lacey at a bright and early 6:30am! The oatmeal was good, but the people were even better! Thank you so much!
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The Safeway store off of Yelm Hwy and College Street has always been gracious in letting me fundraise outside their store. I am proud to say that I raised $200 sitting outside of the Safeway store from customers who donated to me walking by. Thank you so much to the store and to the customers in helping me raise funds for the Children’s Miracle Network and for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. I would also like to thank the Bellingham Grocery Outlet, where I work when I am at school, for assisting in my fundraising goals by sending me a check for $100!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Pageant-filled weekend!

On Friday I visited the Boys and Girls Club of Lacey. It was a new club, but the same fun and excitement I get when I have visited the Tumwater club. I spent a couple hours hanging out with the kids, coloring pictures and playing games. One of the kids named Cameron even drew a picture of me when I wasn’t looking. It was so cute!
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On Saturday my director, Wendi and I did a two-a-day pageant visit. We went to the miss Pierce County and the Miss Whatcom County pageant back to back. I know that the two are far from each other, but I couldn’t resist! I love visiting pageants and this is the last one before the Miss Washington Sweeper. Since I go to school at Western Washington University in Whatcom County and I was a former contestant last year in the Miss Whatcom County pageant, it was nice to go back and visit and see how much has changed over the past year. Congratulations to Jackie Mendez, Miss Pierce County 2009 and Chandler Batiste Miss Whatcom County 2009!
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Hanging out with other title-holders at Miss Pierce County

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Looking Good!

Wow its March already! With finals week coming up and all the excitement, I barely took a breath to realize. Last weekend attended the Weddings With Joy – Prom store opening, which is right here in Thurston County. It was so fun to spend the day trying on dresses with Miss Washington Janet Harding, Miss Moses Lake Samantha Przybylek, and Miss Colombia Basin Danielle Henry. Angela from Weddings with Joy is an amazing lady and was gracious enough to let us all borrow her dresses for the Miss Grays Harbor pageant that evening! Thank you so much Angela! I look forward to working with you in the future! If you have the chance you should drop in at Proms by Weddings With Joy on the corner of Lilly and Pacific Ave in Olympia by the Car Toys. There’s something for everyone!
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Miss Grays Harbor was lots of fun! I always enjoy the time I get to hang out with other local title-holders. And boy did we look good in our dresses!! Image Hosting by
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This past Saturday I got to be a part of an event in my hometown of Yelm. It was the Yelm High School Dollars for Scholars auction. As a recipient of this same scholarship when I was a senior in high school, I am so thankful I was able to represent this wonderful program again. I spent the evening modeling a beautiful gold and stone necklace for people to bid on. I also acted as the “vanna” for the almost-live auction and it was lots of fun. Since Yelm is the hometown of our Miss Washington, of course I got to spend a little time with her too! I am always amazed at the amount of scholarship dollars raised at this event. Good luck Yelm High School Seniors! You deserve it!
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Until next time
Miss Thurston County 2008
Sharise Nicole Williams