Saturday, March 28, 2009

On Spring Break but still in school

I am just winding down my spring break which means I have had the last week off from school. Unlike most college students on spring break, I spent most of my time in school anyways, high school that is. I visited Olympia high school last Friday, North Thurston high school on Monday, Rochester high school on Wednesday and Black Hills high school on Thursday. I was able to give a presentation about diabetes to the health and family planning classes. I also attended lunchtime and set up an informational table with Wendi, my director so we could spread the word to high school girls about the scholarship opportunity through the Miss Thurston County Scholarship Program. I can’t believe that less than 2 years ago I was in high school. I miss it. It was nice to go and visit with the students. I had a good time with them and the teachers were a pleasure to work with as well. Thank you Jennifer Bush at Olympia, Brad Quarnstrom at Rochester, and Bonnie Sinclair at Black Hills for allowing me to speak to your lovely students in class.

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On Monday after Olympia High School, Wendi and I went around the community to a few of the sponsors of the program to thank them. We visited Plato’s Closet, Infernos Pizza, Minuteman Press, and the Olympia Grocery Outlet and gave them the program book with their ad in it. Thank you for your support of the Miss Thurston County Scholarship Program. Without you and all of our other sponsors the contestants and I would not have received such great scholarships.
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At the Grocery Outlet
I also had the great opportunity to speak at the Kiwanis club of North Thurston, which was fantastic. I enjoyed the company of a group of people who really care about the people in our community. I had breakfast with them all at the Hawks Prairie Restaurant in Lacey at a bright and early 6:30am! The oatmeal was good, but the people were even better! Thank you so much!
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The Safeway store off of Yelm Hwy and College Street has always been gracious in letting me fundraise outside their store. I am proud to say that I raised $200 sitting outside of the Safeway store from customers who donated to me walking by. Thank you so much to the store and to the customers in helping me raise funds for the Children’s Miracle Network and for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. I would also like to thank the Bellingham Grocery Outlet, where I work when I am at school, for assisting in my fundraising goals by sending me a check for $100!

1 comment:

Holly said...

Looks like fun! LOL at the photo of you with the guy in your tiara! :P