Saturday, July 11, 2009

Miss Washington week

Now that it is the day before Miss Washington finals I finally have time to write about my Miss Washington week experience. I arrived at the Holiday Inn in Renton at 8:30 with my director Wendi. I had so much stuff, garment bags, duffels, suitcases, baskets. After all the preparing the week before, I still ended up forgetting something. I left one bag hanging in the closet. Wendi, bless her heart, jumped right back in to her car and drove all the way to Tumwater to retrieve my forgotten bag in time for me to have my outfit for arrival at 10:30am. What an amazing person! This is a perfect example of the dedication, love and support I have received from Wendi throughout this year. Thank you Wendi! The arrival ceremony with all the contestants was held at the Renton City Hall. As we walked down the steps of city hall our names and titles were announced “Contestant #1, Sharise Williams, Miss Thurston County!”
Our days have been filled with long rehearsals to prepare for the production number. Our dances are so fun and we learned them so quickly. We are opening to “What you want” from Legally Blonde: The musical and our second half opener is to “Jai Ho” from Slumdog Millionaire, and yes the theme this year is Broadway!
On Monday all of us contestants went out for an appearance. To honor the Miss America Organization’s partnership with the Children’s Miracle Network we all visited the Seattle Children’s Hospital, a Children’s Miracle Network hospital. We went and played with Kids in the playroom and I went on a small tour with 3 other title-holders as we visited medical and surgical rooms to visit with the patients. This was a very good experience for me being able to visit with patients. With my platform I specialize in sensitivity for people with diseases and though they are in the hospital you don’t have to talk about why they are there. Sometimes they just want to talk about something else to get their mind off of the surgery they just came out of. So I am glad that the Miss Washington contestants could be there to brighten their day.
Tuesday we made an appearance at the Farmers Market in Renton. We ate dinner, danced, signed autograph cards and had a good relaxing time. Then we all went to the movies together, which was also very nice and relaxing considering all of the hard work we have put into our production numbers. We watched “The Proposal”. It was such a good movie and it made me feel good and happy the night before my interview.
On Wednesday was my Interview with the Miss Washington official judges. Since I am contestant #1 that means I was the very first interview out of all 18 contestants. I enjoyed my ten minute interview with the judges. I left that room smiling and that is what matters to me.
Later after interviews half of the contestants went on a field trip to the Federal Reserve. As special guests to the Federal Reserve Bank we got a special tour to where all the money is stored.
Last night was the first preliminary competition. The Beta group competed in talent and on-stage question and the Alpha group (my group) competed in lifestyle in fitness and swimsuit and in evening wear. The Miss Washington’s outstanding Teen contestants competed in their groups in their competition as well. What a fun night this was. We performed our opening dances for the first time in front of people. We looked so good and it was so much fun!
I just got back to my room here at the Holliday Inn in Renton after the second night of preliminary competition the night before finals. I competed in talent and on-stage question tonight. I can say that I am truly happy with my performance and hope that I made Thurston County proud.
I am so thankful for all of the positive support that I have received this week. Even in the midst of competition I find myself at peace. My roommate Cara Rudd, Miss Tahoma is a doll, a true friend. She has made this week fun and relaxing for me in our home/room at the Holiday Inn. Wendi and Kamarie have done a spectacular job in being there for me. Driving from Thurston to help me with small things, and even the wonderful gifts I received in my basket every day. Thanks to my mom for traveling all the way from Las Vegas to support me this weekend.

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