Monday, May 11, 2009

JDRF Diabetes Walk

The JDRF diabetes walk was one of the best days I have had in a long time. What could be better than a fun day with my friends walking around downtown Tacoma for a cure for diabetes? The Juvenile Diabetes Research foundation is an organization that researches and aids patients and families of children with type 1 diabetes. I got involved with JDRF through Find the Cure Clothing. Find the Cure is a t-shirt clothing line that has found an alternative way to raise awareness of diabetes. $2 of every shirt sale goes towards JDRF. I love Find the Cure and I have been supporting them all year. I do whatever I can to represent it whether it’s wearing the shirts, handing out stickers or telling all my friends about it. At the diabetes walk I had all of my team members wearing a different shirt from Find the Cure. We were looking so good in our Find the Cure shirts!
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The diabetes walk was held at the UW Tacoma campus in Pierce County which is the neighboring county to Thurston. My team raised $200 through donations. As a special guest I was given the opportunity to Help cut the ribbon, judge the team t-shirt contest and give a speech.
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Through or the walk I had so much fun hanging out with my team. We had a juggler, a puppy, my little sister to name a few. Thank you to everyone who was on my team. It means a lot to me when I have friends who support such a great cause with me.
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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Spring Forum

Miss Washington Spring Forum is a big weekend for Miss Washington contestants, directors and contestant’s families. I spend this last weekend at the Renton Holiday Inn with the other contestants, preparing for the upcoming Miss Washington competition this July. Everything was due on the first day including, contracts, resume’s, platform essays, talent music and pictures for the program book. Aside from all of that stress there were also fun activities and inspirational/education workshops to attend. We were entertained by Rick Brinkley who talked to us from the perspective of a pageant judge, which was really helpful and funny at times. We had workshops with our current Miss Washington Janet Harding as well as former Miss Washingtons, Briann Parriot, Kristin Eddings and Allison Porter who helped us with our platforms, nutrition, fashion and walking. It’s nice to be able to learn from former Miss Washingtons and hear their experiences as well as see their success. We also got to hear from Sam Haskell the Chairman of the Miss America Organization who spoke to us about his new book Promises I Made My Mother. It was especially nice to meet and chat with him as he signed a book for me. He even knelt down to take a picture with me (because I’m short). :) How nice! Haha! Image Hosting by
We spent some time with our parents and directors, had a taco dinner/ karaoke night/ dessert auction all in one. We even had a bowl-a-thon at the very end where each contestant got together bowling teams and raised money for the Children’s Miracle Network. My team was the Red Team to support my platform Diabetes Awareness. Go Red Team!!
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Thank you, Wendi Fernandez, Teressa Williams, and Amber Blevins for being travel companions this weekend and for all the fun times and support! Thanks to everyone, Peggy, Patti, Rick, Sam, Janet, Briann, Allison and many more who spoke and mentored the contestants. Thanks Dad and Alicia for being there to share this experience!
Since spring break I have been super busy. Obviously too busy to write and update you, which makes me sad. For a quick summary up to this date I shall fill you in. I visited Timberline High School and presented to the health classes about diabetes. What a fun group of kids!
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I also spoke at the Hawks Prairie Rotary that week about my platform and upcoming community service events that I was participating in.
A couple weekends ago I had quite the weekend. I had spent the previous few weeks preparing and planning a fundraiser that would support the Children’s Miracle Network which is the national platform of the Miss America Organization. My good friend Michelle at the Blue Bottle Espresso in Yelm was so gracious to let me have an event at the coffee shop. I decided to put on a Karaoke Night to pair my passion for singing with my passion for community service. With the amazing support of the Yelm and North Thurston community I was able to secure donation items to raffle and use for my event. Music 6000 in Olympia let me borrow a professional karaoke system free of charge. Yelm Radio Shack let me borrow cords and cables to hook up the machine during my emergency crisis before the event. Puerto Vallarta, Casa Mia, Hair Inc., Grocery Outlet, Prairie Lanes, Keebler and my dad all gave me items to raffle off at the karaoke night to raise extra funds. While my guests were encouraged to sing, and did, I still was able to sing a lot of songs and do what I love, entertain. It was a night of fun and music with my community and some close friends who made the event even more successful and fulfilling. The HUGEST thank you goes out to anyone that was involved with the Miss Thurston County Karaoke Night! It means so much to me.
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The next day was a huge day for my platform. It was the Diabetes Expo in Seattle at Quest Field. It was a Diabetes fair with vendors, activities, health screening, food, information, advocacy, events and family fun for people with diabetes and their families, all for free. I was invited to give a speech during opening ceremonies about my involvement with diabetes as Miss Thurston County and I got to cut the ribbon. It was so powerful for me to be there just talking with people who have diabetes and letting them know that I care so much about this disease even though I am not suffering from it. This event was through the American Diabetes Association which is an organization that I have been working closely with in regards to my platform. Please visit for information and help about this disease. I know that everyone is affected diabetes even when they don’t know anything of it. Make yourself aware so we can have hope for a cure for ourselves and our loved ones and have healthy lives throughout.
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To wrap up that weekend I had a fundraiser at Safeway in Lacey off of Yelm hwy and College Street. They are always so generous about letting me sit outside of their store and ask for donations. In that one day I raised $90 towards the Children’s Miracle Network and Diabetes Awareness. Each dollar counts and I am steps closer to my goal of $500. Thank you, Thurston County.
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That day I also had a photo shoot for Find the Cure Clothing. Find the Cure is a diabetes awareness clothing line that raises awareness with style and passion. I am so blessed to be a spokesperson and a model for this awesome t-shirt line. I truly believe in the mission of this clothing line and the young man’s story that started the whole thing. Kelly Kiernan your amazing! Thank you for letting me be involved and keep doing what you’re doing. You should check it out. $2 from every shirt goes towards diabetes research through the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.
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The next weekend I was given the wonderful opportunity to sing the National Anthem at the opening ceremony of the Nisqually Valley Home and Garden Show in Yelm. I am always thrilled to be a part of any big event in Yelm, my hometown, where everyone is welcoming and supportive of me and I see the improvements and hard work in this community every day. I am proud.
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