Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I Love Kids!

Hello all! A lot has happened in the past couple of weeks. I went to the Tumwater Boys and Girls Club again. I love going there and having the opportunity to educate kids and be a positive role model for them. We had a talk about Diabetes, which was an interesting conversation to have with a bunch of 5-12 year olds. They were very enthusiastic and had tons of questions and really contributed a lot of insight to the lesson. The funniest thing happened. The kids really wanted me to sing and so I sang a song for them, then they wanted me to sing like 5 other songs, then when it was time for me to leave they begged their Girl Scout leader to let me stay for their meeting. We had a fun singing competition where all the girls got to show their talent. Then we colored tickets to Hollywood and gave them to each other! :)

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I went to the Miss Auburn pageant, which was a very fun night. The Miss Auburn pageant is the largest local competition in the Miss America Organization. There were 21 contestants! I had a lot of fun visiting with the other local title-holders. It was especially funny when the curtain fell on Miss Washington! I love watching pageants and it always touches me somewhere special when I see the crowning of that lucky girl!

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This last weekend I had the honor of being a reader for the Lacey Loves to Read program. I was able to travel to 2 elementary schools and read the preschool class a story. Thank you Susan Joy at Pleasant Glade Elementary and Marie Koehler at Faith Lutheran for allowing me to come to your classroom. Your students were a pleasure to read to.
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I am so excited for the next upcoming events and can’t wait to tell you all about it! Check out missthurstoncounty.com to view the appearance calendar.

Until next time,
Sharise Nicole Williams
Miss Thurston County 2008

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