Tuesday, January 6, 2009

So winter break is over and I’m back at school. I had my first class of the quarter today, Humanities and Expressive Art. I had one event before I went back to school and that was the Miss Washington Fashion show. I got to spent the day with Wendi, my wonderful director. The theme was “Shoe-la-la” and it was very entertaining and a lot of fun. At the fashion show we were given the opportunity to view Miss Washington’s wardrobe before she heads to Vegas to compete at the Miss America pageant. Miss Washington, Janet Harding’s wardrobe is to die for! Make sure you tune in to watch the Miss America Pageant on January 24 on TLC to see for yourself. I personally will be in Vegas watching the excitement for myself!
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Wendi & I
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with Miss Washington's Outstanding Teen, Tori Knight

Now I get to focus on school, but don’t worry I will be back in Thurston County every weekend for the next couple months! I’ll be super busy but I am so excited for everything! Be sure to check the calendar on missthurstoncounty.com for upcoming events!

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