Saturday, September 19, 2009

Life is a Mountain

So it is obvious that this blog has been neglected over time. I guess it is just a reminder that beauty queens are people too. Since the Miss Washington pageant occurred, real life has happened. Less appearances and more work. With the upcoming Miss Thurston County pageant coming up and the four contestants vying for the title, I realize that reflection time is necessary. I believe in this program so much, I have given my whole heart to it this year. When given great opportunity comes great hardship. There will be people that give you praise and there will be some that will turn the other way and abandon you. Through this year I have learned the value of believing in yourself. I have lived life to the fullest, sought every opportunity, followed my heart and trusted in God. Having those values makes awards, trophies and crowns minimal. You have to be stepped on a million times before you get to the top of your mountain. I am not at the top of my mountain. My mountain is a journey and my journey is life. I will continue to live life knowing that my experiences as Miss Thurston County 2008 will guide me through a mountain of success.

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