Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas Thurston County!

Hi all! Sorry it has taken me some time to post. I have been so busy these past few weeks, working and preparing for Christmas. And the snow! Oh my! Has it been crazy! I live in Yelm and I have been driving 45 minutes in the snow to work at the Olympia Grocery Outlet. I really love working there and the owners, Russ and Cyndi are so gracious letting me come back and work while I am on break. You should go there and snatch up some bargains! :) Thank you Russ and Cyndi for being so supportive of my endeavors in school, work and as Miss Thurston County!
A couple weeks ago I was delighted to be given the opportunity to be a part of the Tumwater Tree Lighting. It was an honor to meet the mayor of Tumwater, Ralph Osgood, who later in the day let me flip the switch to light the tree. I spent the day being co-emcee and announcing the musical performances and drawing raffle ticket winners. I even got to sign autographs with my new signature cards!

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Last Monday I went to Yelm High School, the school I graduated from, and talked to the health classes about my platform, Diabetes Awareness. Thank you very much Mr. Clinton and Miss. King-Taylor for allowing me to speak to every period that day. It was really refreshing to be able to talk to high school students about my platform that I care about a lot. My little sister, Alicia was in two of the classes I spoke with. They asked a lot of fun questions, it was almost like I was in my pageant interview all over again! I learned from this appearance that I really like to do public speaking. I learned about relating my platform to different age groups. It was a really invigorating experience and I am grateful I had this opportunity to raise awareness of Diabetes in my community.
Due to the snow I hadn’t had any other events, but I did get teeth whitening from a sponsor of the program! Thanks Dr. Bailey!
It’s nice to have some time off on this Christmas Day. The snow is sadly melting, but at least people are able to revert back to normal and travel wherever life may take them. Merry Christmas! Check out this beautiful necklace my sister gave me!! It love love love it!!! Best Christmas present!
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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Home for the holidays

Part of what excites me the most about being Miss Thurston County is appearances around the Christmas season. It is a season of giving, friendship and community. I love being around community members when there is so much love in the air. The decorated trees and bright lights are enough to bring smiles to these events that I have attended.
On Thanksgiving I attended the Christmas Forest at the Red Lion Hotel. The people at the St. Providence hospital did a wonderful job at putting together this event. At Christmas Forest there was a display of beautiful and inventively decorated trees. There was a masquerade tree, a princess tree, a sports tree, even an upside down tree. I also came to this event on the Saturday after Thanksgiving and painted children’s faces and did crafts with them. I had a great time with my little sister, Alicia who was my travel companion for this event. She is 16 and just got her license. It was cool riding in the passenger seat after all those years of driving her around. Image Hosting by
In the passenger seat!
That Sunday I participated in the Olympia holiday parade. Although the weather was on the verge of rain and in the height of cold, it was a lot of fun. I got to ride in a new Mustang convertible GT with my pageant little sister, Mikael. It was so new it only had 20 miles on it when we got it. Thanks All-star Ford for lending it to us. We rode with the top down through downtown Olympia during the parade. I even recognized some of the kids in the audience whose faces I painted at the Christmas Forest kid’s day.
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Mikael and I at the parade
The following Thursday I was honored to be a special guest at the Lacey Tree lighting ceremony. As a co-emcee I announced the arrival of Santa after the trees in Huntamer Park were lit. I was amused as I sat next to Santa as eager children came and sat on his lap.
Friday was the Panowics Jeweler’s “Men’s Night Out” which featured raffle prizes for men to get their significant others a wonderful Christmas present and enjoy some good food. I was able to be there to chat with the guests. I also picked the lucky winner of the raffle every hour. I greeted at the door with a few of the girls on the Tumwater dance team. They were a lot of fun and I enjoyed laughing with them. I wish them all luck as they compete in the state and national dance competitions.
Finally on that Saturday I got to be in the Yelm Christmas in the park parade. This event was particularly special because it is my hometown. Going through the parade and having my school friends, teachers, coaches and various community members waving and yelling my name made me realize what I love about the small city of Yelm. At the awards ceremony after the parade there was an intense surprise that I was so not expecting! As the mayor of Yelm, Ron Harding called me to the front of the audience, I was taken aback that he was presenting me with “Sharise Williams day” haha! Thank you city of Yelm for this extreme honor!
More pictures soon!!!!

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