Monday, November 10, 2008

Community Commuter

What an amazing, eventful, couple weeks it has been! As a student at Western Washington University student I am constantly on the 3 hour commute from Bellingham to Thurston County. It is so worth it to drive 150 miles to see my family and to serve the community that I love. I estimate about 6,000 miles on my car before the end of my year-of-service.

Last Friday 11/7 I had an appearance at the Boys and Girls club “Born to Be Wild” auction. The special guests were from our local Harley Davidson. I enjoyed a night of fun and excitement while the Boys and Girls Club of Thurston County was able to raise $350,000 at the auction. Thanks Kristen for being my travel companion.

Last Saturday morning 11/8 I met Wendi at the Bridal Boutique in Tumwater. Omayra’s shop is beautiful and it had a plethora of beautiful dresses one of which she was gracious enough to give to me as the new Miss Thurston County. Thank you so much for the beautiful red dress!Image Hosting by

That Saturday evening was the Miss Seattle pageant. This was the first pageant I visited as Miss Thurston County. I got to visit with some of the other local title holders and the lovely Miss Washington, Janet Harding. The show was fun to watch. Congratulations Devanni Partridge, the new Miss Seattle! I had a lot of fun with my chaperones, Trish and Alice, and Trish’s beautiful daughter Kylie. Thanks for keeping me laughing and for the Mexican food!
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After a week of school and hard work I made it back on Friday 11/14 afternoon to meet with the Monica and Jesse at the Boys and Girls Club. I am so excited to start my 4 week program for promoting healthy habits, in January.

Saturday was a busy day volunteering for Operation Homefront. I spent all day stuffing stockings with goodies for our wounded soldiers. And when we ran out of stuff, A couple nice volunteers Valerie, Jenn, my chaperone Teressa and I went shopping to get some more! It was so nice to see all the people that showed up to help and support our troops.

Sunday morning I met Wendi, my director, for coffee. It was really nice to get to see her and tell her about my experiences. She gave me some good advice and we were able to talk about ideas. We then rode together to Jodie's house. Jodie is a Mary Kay representave that opened her home to Wendi and I so i could receive a gift of $500 in Mary Kay beauty products. Thank you so much Jodie!
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I’ll be back to Bellingham shortly, counting down the days till I get to come home for winter break. I am awaiting all the fun times I will have during this holiday season.
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Were all from Bellingham! Miss Thurston County, Miss Washington, Miss Whatcom County

Until next time,

-Sharise Williams
Miss Thurston County 2008